Bali Wedding Ceremony

Bali Wedding Ceremony

Bali Wedding Ceremony? It can be a question for all of you who plan Bali Wedding. In your perception, is Bali wedding ceremony a kind of Traditonal Balinese Marriage?, it is right or not right. Why? as in Bali you may find some types of wedding ceremony like Traditional Balinese Hindu ceremony, Wedding commitment, Christian wedding ceremony, Catholic wedding ceremony, Nikah or muslim wedding ceremony 

Wedding Commitment Ceremony

Bali wedding commitment is an option for non-legal and religious wedding cermony in Bali. Many people know that Indonesia is composed by many religions and ethnic, however for those couple who are not strongly holding any religion and wish to celebrate, to express their eternal love to their beloved partner can choose this option, which is "Bali Wedding Commitment". The Bali wedding commitment has no any legal binding, the issued certificate is just for a commemorative certificate only.

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