Price list wedding in Bali can be a good directory to start on planning and budgeting your bali wedding, such as making or composing a wedding package, It depends on how great wedding party do you want to do and how much budget do you want to spend. some wedding items you may need for your wedding package,those are wedding venue, decoration, sound and lighting, food and beverages, photo and videography, makeup and hairdo, entertainments, wedding planner services
What do you need for composing a wedding package ?
Wedding Venues
Wedding venue is an essential item should be on the list, the wedding venue in Bali can be vary on option such as villas wedding, chapel and hotel wedding, waterfall wedding, and cliff top villa wedding. So far cliff top villa wedding are the most wanted by the wedding couple, so need to secure the venue you may interested in, it would be great if you book the wedding venue in advance.
Hairsdo and makeup for Bride and Family
Hairsdo and makeup is an art, it is an art work. Sometimes bride need see the portofolio or art work of the Makeup Artist before booking the Makeup Artist. Family and bridemaids also need the hairsdo and makeup services, it can be wrapped in a wedding package. The price for this kind of services is vary, it depends on what product they use for your make up, how intricate is your hairs style and who is your make up artist.
Sound System and Power supply
Quality sound system is also much affecting the quality of your event, the size of sound system usage is vary depend on how big your party is, what entertainment involve, or the location of your event. Your wedding planner knows about your system need, so wedding planner will put it in a bundled wedding packages. Talking about generator, it is also important as it must be adjusted according to your need in order to ensure that it provides enough power supply for the event.
Lighting for Dinner reception
Lighting on a wedding can be a general lighting, it is pure for lighting purpose and lighting for an ambient lighting. This ambient lighting is add on by your wedding planner and wrapped in your wedding package. The number and type of this ambient lighting depends on your wedding theme and budget. There are some ambient lighting option, start from fairy light, light bulb, lampion, chandelier, LED par light, or moving head.
Entertainment for wedding dinner
The most popular wedding entertainment in Bali so far is accoustic music or band such as duo musician, trio or quartet musician. Some wedding couple may also add on Balinese entertainment such us Joged bungbung, fire dance, legong dance, or kecak dance. Other entertainment such as DJ performance or magician performance.
Wedding Flower Decorations
Wedding decoration may cover ceremony decoration and dinner reception decoration. How much is the cost for decoration, this question is quite frequently asked by wedding couple. The rate are available from the lowest to highest or it can be customized based on your budget. If you look for the design as you need or you want, it may cost more expensive. Other items that make your decoration at high cost is type or variety of flower that is used in flower arrangement including what vases you use and style of arrangement. Using imported flowers may cost you dearer than local flower.
Wedding Ceremony
What kind of wedding ceremony do you look for?, in Bali or Indonesia, it is possible to do religious ceremony and legal wedding ceremony or just wedding commitment ceremony. Religious wedding that you can do in Indonesia are: Christian wedding, Buddhism wedding, Catholic wedding, Hindu Wedding, Moeslim wedding, and Konghucu/Confucius wedding. The wedding ceremony rites is managed by each religion and the State doesn't involve in it. So what is legal wedding in Indonesia mean?, you can have a legal wedding if you already possesed a religious ceremony mentioned above and then you may proceed to registered it with some term and conditions or we may say some documents are required for it. There is an exception for Moeslim wedding, it is not necessary to registerred it in Civil Registry Office, as they have their own office that is called KUA (Kantor Urusan Agama or Religious Affairs Office) and the legal wedding is already registered in it once you did religious wedding. Wedding commitment is kind of engagement ceremony, it exchange your vows and commitment to each other. The wedding commitment has no any religious and legal binding.