Change Name After Married

Change name after married in Bali

Changing name after married in Bali. Changing name into new name is not authority of Bali registry office. You also need to know the marriage certificate which is issued by Bali registry office is legally recognized by Australian government but the name printed is based on the name in your current passport, not just married name. On how to change your name after marriage, bellow is the information we got from "Department of foreign affairs and trade”.

Have you changed name

Before a passport can be issued to you, the Australian Passport office must be satisfied as to your identity and Australian citizenship status. This ensures the integrity of the Australian passport issuing process and guarantees a world class, highly secure travel document for all Australians
If your current names are different from your Australian birth or citizenship names, you need to provide the documentation that your new names have been formally registered with a Registry of Birth, Deaths and Marriages (RBDM) or the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
The names appearing on your passport must be exactly the same as the names appearing on the relevant document. No variations are permitted
Australian passport are normally issued in the names that appear on your full Australian birth certificate issued by a state or Territory RBDM, or an Australian citizenship certificate obtained from the department of immigration and citizenship. These document are considered to be your base personal identity documents.

In the event of a name change, there must be a clear link from your 'base' personal identity document  and the changed name you want to appear on your passport so we can ensure that you are the same person.

Documentary evidence you must provide.

If you are renewing your passport and wish to have different name(s) to that on the previous passport, you will need to complete all full passport application form, and provide documentation in support of your change name.

The following original personal identity document can be accepted in support of your change of name when applying for a passport

  • A full birth certificate issued by a state or territory RBDM in Australia  and endorsed with your change of name detail
  • A change of name certificate issued by a state or territory RBDM in Australia (or in a certain circumstances, a marriage certificate issued by foreign authority )
  • An Australian  citizenship or notice obtained from the department  of immigration citizenship showing  your new name
  • A registered relationship certificate issued by a state or territory RBDM in Australia
  • A court order stating that a person to be known by a new name
  • A Decree  nisi issued by a court
  • A revocation of a registered relationship certificate issued by a state or territory RBDM in Australia
  • A death certificate of spouse or a partner issued by a state or territory RBDM in Australia (or in certain circumstances a death certificate issued by a foreign authority) or a deed poll certificate issued by an Australian state or territory authority responsible for registering name under a law of that state territory .

For the purpose of passport issue we must sight your original personal identity documents to confirm that you are the person applying for an Australian passport and are using the identity in the community

Free replacement of your passport following marriage/recognized relationship/divorce/death

Under certain conditions, the Australian passport office can replace a passport free of charge if you wish to change your name on marriage, divorce, entering into a terminating a recognized relationship or death of a spouse, currently application for replacement passports must be made within 12 months of the event that resulted in the name change. The replacement passport showing your new name will be issued with the same expiry date as the passport being replaced.

The above information is not following any update information, for further information you may contact your Department of foreign affairs and trade of Australia

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