Bali wedding entertainment option
Bali tourism is cultural tourism including wedding destination. The Government of Bali suggested to include Bali Traditional entertainment as one of wedding entertainment.
Common Bali wedding Entertainment
For local wedding it is very common to use Joged Bumbung as an entertainment for wedding, joged means dancing. On this session the guests might be invited to dance with the dancers. The music used to accompany the dances is made of Bamboo which is called Bumbung as they have a hollow hole on it. Another instrument is two Baliense traditional drums also played as a leader of Gambelan. It is a fun dance called social dance.
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Other Dance recommended
Other dances can be put on your entertainment list is Legong dance, leg means movement and gong is one of the gambelan. This Legong dance will follow the gambelan music tone. Legong dance can be used as a welcome dance. Other dance is Romantic dance which is called Oleg tamu lilingan or Bumblebees falling in love. This dance represents a couple falling in love and ended with presentation of Warior dance. Warrior dance is symbolic of the groom on how strong he will maintain their relationship and be responsible for their family.
Any other modern dance ?
Finding out a suitable and trust worthy entertainment for your wedding is not so easy. Bali is well-known as a tourist destination due to the hospitality, beauty of the nature, and also art creation of their people. Many art works in the past is just for the religious purpose and to entertain the king and community, but since the tourism industry is growing well, many dances are used for the show for tourist and also during wedding party. There are wide range dances, start from traditional to modern dances.
Many outside influences brought into Bali and created new version of dance. For instance, prominently in Bali we only know traditional Fire dances, but nowadays we have modern Fire dance. We also have our social dances which is locally called Joged Bumbung, this type of dance can be performed during the wedding party. The dancer of Joged Bumbung can invite the guest to join and dance with them. Other traditional dances normally used for wedding party is the dance called Sekar Jagat, this dance is dedicated to welcome the guest upon their arrival in the wedding venue. Many wedding couple now choose modern dance for their wedding party entertainment such as: Belly dance, Fire dance, and Sexy dance.
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